I Tokmoh, therefore I am

December 31, 2009

Looking back…

Filed under: Movie,Opinion,Otakuism,Personal — tokmoh @ 9:24 pm

I felt 2009 has been a mixed year. Had some good moments, had some bad moments.

There have been many moments I felt very, veeeeery trolled. Transformers 2, Harry Potter, GI Joe, Eden of the East, Darker Than Black : Ryusei no Gemini, Suzumiya Haruhi, K-On, etc. There even isn’t The Stig’s communist cousin. baawwwwwwww………

But strangely, the ones that I missed are positively accepted. Disney’s Up!, District 9, err…… that’s it I guess. 2012 was rubbish AFAIK. I haven’t watched Avatar, and hopefully I can catch it. Darn, I kept thinking of “Avatar ready” sound when a Nod Avatar mech is completed (C&C3 : Tiberium Wars) whenever I hear the movie’s title.

I get to ride planes this year, after 8 long years, finally 🙂 There’s Air Asia’s B737-300 and A320-200; MAS’ B747-400; and SIA’s A380-800 and B777-200.

And some other stuffs I forgot or too hard to put into words.

Anyway, thank you 2009. O hai thar 2010.

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