I Tokmoh, therefore I am

November 27, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha/Qurban/Haji

Filed under: Cardom,Opinion,Personal — tokmoh @ 11:53 am

1. Yeap. Selamat Hari Raya Haji to everyone.

2. The Alza is NOT an MPV. It’s just not. no. nehi.

3. Snapping a rat’s spine can be a bit traumatic… until it’s told on the internet. Then I realised I did a service to Subang Jaya.

4. I think I just rescued quite a number of old car owners. I left a comment on miti’s blog which went unpublished. And then next thing I know, they decided to cancel the regulation that required >15 y.o. car annual check.

5. I lol-ed:

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